Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Gandhi II

People may wonder what does Civil Disobedience means, well it means that you refuse to listen to what someone tells you and you don't use violence to get what they want. Gandhi showed civil disobedience in many ways. When the British made them carry around passports they burnt them. When the British hit him with there sticks he didn't hit back at all. Also, when he lead them to the ocean to make salt, the British were there to stop them and they all lined up to try to get threw and the British just keep hitting them away and they would not hit back at all. Also, people may wonder what passive resistance means that you don't cooperate with the laws that the government makes. Gandhi did not fallow passive resistance, in money ways. For an example when he was going back to India from England ware he went to school, he was sitting in a 1st class seat. Well, the conductor did not want him to sit in that class, because he was not the same race and that everyone who is a different race has to sit in the 3rd class. So the conductor told him to go to the 3rd class and Gandhi said no. So the conductor threw him off. Another example is when he didn't want to carry around his passport anymore so he burnt them. So everyone fallowed him and the British didn't like so they started to beat him.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Gandhi was born October 2,1869. In Porbandar, India. In his early life when Gandhi was 13 he married his wife Kasturba and she was the same age as him. Gandhi went to college in London and became lawyer. When he went back to India the British were in India and being disrespectful to the Indian people. Gandhi had told people that they can only use civil disobedience. That means that they would not fallow the British laws without using violence because they thought it was wrong. Gandhi instead had everyone burn their passports that they had to carry around with them. The year the Pass Burring demonstration the year was 1908. The Hindus and the Muslims were fighting so Gandhi fasted for 30 days and finally got his way and everyone got along. Gandhi was arrested 4 times in his long life. He was shot to death January 30, 1948.